Our Story

After years of high performance coaching, Russ Sorrells thought it necessary to introduce these important lessons into the lives of his children and now wants to share these lessons with the parents throughout the world through Lunchbox Lessons.

core values

Full Potential University and Lunchbox Lessons were built on these core values:

Proven Research

Lunchbox Lessons is designed to improve the parent child dynamic.


We are inclusive of all families regardless of faith, sexuality, or race.

Social Focus

Changing the world for the better starts within the family structure.


We are here to support the intentional parent in bettering their kids' lives.

Global Community

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Online Curriculum

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Club Meetings

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Life changing

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Full Potential University

We Provide Opportunities To Succeed

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asked questions

Here are some answers to frequent questions asked by our parents.

Our founder, Russ, found proactive lessons to be very important with his daughters, especially lessons about love, because they had never experienced that “puppy love” yet. However, he knew that eventually they would. So he wanted to tell them NOW, about the trap of puppy love and what they’re going to experience as teenagers.

“I told them, you’re going to want to spend every second, every waking moment texting, talking, being with, being around a boy. It’s going to happen. But I want you to understand that isn’t love. You’re going to think it’s love. You’re going to say “this is it”. But your body is tricking you. it happens to everybody.  It’s how it works. It’s nature just doing it’s thing. I know I can’t tell you that when you’re in it, so I just want you to understand that before you’re in it.”

Lunchbox Lessons provides the tools your child needs to understand how life works. Our lessons cover topics like:

  • Love – To help parents proactively discuss love and discuss “puppy love” with their teens before they start wanting to spend every second texting, talking, and being around a boy/girl.
  • Courage – How to be strong in life’s hardest moments.
  • Fear – Rational vs. Irrational; Managing and coping with anxiety (Especially relevant now a days)
  • Goals – Planning/managing time to meet goals
  • Realistic Expectations – One of our most important jobs as parents is to keep our children grounded in reality. There’s a big disconnect between how life is presented in television and movies, and how it truly is.

Read our full lunchbox lessons catalog

The number one comment we get from new parents is, “I feel like a phony teaching my kids things that I know nothing about.”

One of the biggest challenges as parents is that they want to tell their child what to do. But it’s important to show your child what to do. Show your kid and be an example for you kid. You can’t tell them not to drink & drive and then go out to dinner – drink -and then drive home with them. The overall goal for Lunchbox Lessons is not just to teach kids these lessons, but for the parents of the program to also learn these ideas and develop themselves as well.

  • Monthly lessons sent to your door
    • Receive a new set of printed Lunchbox Lessons in the mail each month.
  • Online Content
    • Receive helpful videos and worksheets every month in your inbox and your member portal. This content is designed to support the daily conversations with your children and track your progress.
  • Facebook Community
    • Join the Lunchbox Lessons Facebook community. This is a place where you can offer support and encouragement, ask questions, and share your story with other intentional parents just like you.

Connect with our team

Full potential University

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our alumni

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CEO. Mira Fertility